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Final Week NOVEMBER 2 Schedule

Writer: hansens33hansens33

MONDAY, November 2

Dinner at 4:00 P.M. Dinner provided at Valley.

Costume/hair/make-up cohorts at 4:30. You are responsible for your own make-up/hair. We will not be sharing supplies. Hair should be OUT OF YOUR FACE. We want to SEE YOUR BEAUTIFUL faces!

Dress Rehearsal at 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM.

TUESDAY, November 3

Dinner at 4:00 P.M. Dinner provided at Valley.

Costume/hair/make-up cohorts at 4:30.

Dress Rehearsal at 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM.

WEDNESDAY, November 4

Dinner at 4:00 P.M. Dinner provided at Valley.

Costume/hair/make-up cohorts at 4:30.

Dress Rehearsal at 5:00 PM.

Parent/Guardian Preview Night. Curtain Time is 7:00.

YES! Your parents/guardians are invited to bring their camera and/or video camera to this rehearsal: the appropriate time to flash cameras!

MASKS required for ALL audience members.

All performers/crew are in MASKS.

Social distanced seating.

THURSDAY, November 5

Student matinee for VHS language arts classes.

Cast/Crew will be dismissed at 9:43—immediately after 2nd. They will be excused for 4th and 6th. YOU must attend your 2nd and 8th periods. Please make sure you are present and engaged. Lunch provided at school for students.

Curtain Time is 11:16 AM – 1:18 PM. (NOON)

FRIDAY, November 6

Rah Rah Morning for US! Cast/Crew breakfast in the cafeteria at 7:00 A.M. for "Rah Rah Rah!". Breakfast provided.

OPENING!!! Call time: 5:00 P.M. Curtain time: 7:00 P.M.

SATURDAY, November 7

Call time: 5:00 P.M.

Curtain time: 7:00 P.M.

SUNDAY, November 8

Call time: 12:00 NOON

Curtain time: 2:00 P.M.

STRIKE SET immediately following the show, and check in costumes. All actors/all crew/techies. We will need everyone!

STRIKE DINNER at school. Food provided.


$5 Suggested Cash Donation at the Door

Limited Seating with Reservations

Please email or call Amanda Pichler at 515.633.4370.

Tickets will also be available at the door; however, a reservation is encouraged.

MASKS required for ALL audience members.

All performers/crew are in MASKS.

Social distanced seating.

THANK YOU for your continued support! It is with complete JOY and so much GRATITUDE to have this week for US and BE TOGETHER!



Reservations for VALLEY FALL PLAY:


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Mr. Aaron Westrum, Valley Drama Director


Ms. Samantha Melz, IHSSA Head Large Group Speech Coach

Ms. Amanda Pichler, Valley Technical Director

Mr. Timothy Brown, Baker's Dozen Sponsor, CAMP Director

Mrs. Liz Kruger, Valley Southwoods IHSSA Director

Jennifer Throckmorton, Drama Booster Club President

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