Rehearsal and Tech/Camp Calendar
April 15 - April 29
Monday, April 15, 5:00-10:00:
5:00 COSTUMES arrive. Costume expectations.
Order of Costume Fittings:
Dancers/Strong Men
Run show ALL w/costumes.
Leave all jewelry. If you are wearing a dress/skirt in show, account for what you are wearing under skirt/dress. No jeans under skirt/dress.
ACTOR NOTE FOR ALL: Do you have your shoes/boots?
Tuesday, April 16, 5:00-10:00
DANCE, DANCE clean up...and then run show ALL.
Do you have shoes/boots?
Wednesday, April 17, 3:30-7:00
3:30 Run show ALL w/costumes
Thursday, April 18, 5:00-10:00
5:00 Run show ALL w/costumes
Friday, April 19, 3:30-7:00:
3:30 Run show ALL w/costumes
Saturday, April 20, 12:00 NOON-6:00:
12:00 Make up Morgue ALL(Bring old button down shirt, hair supplies, facial cleaner, etc.)
1:00 Run Show ALL
Sunday, April 21, 12:00 NOON-5:30:
12:00 NOON Run Show ALL
Monday, April 22, 4:00-10:00:
4:00 Potluck provided by parents/guardians.
4:30 Principles miced
5:00 Spirits/Visions/Principles Dance
7:00 DRESS Rehearsal
Tuesday, April 23, 4:00-10:00:
4:00 Potluck provided by parents/guardians.
4:30 Principles miced
5:00 Spirits/Visions/Principles Dance
7:00 DRESS Rehearsal
Wednesday, April 24, 4:00-10:00:
4:00 Potluck provided by parents/guardians.
4:30 Principles miced
5:00 Spirits/Visions/Principles Dance
7:00 Parent/Guardian Preview for FINAL DRESS Rehearsal
Thursday, April 25, 10:20-3:30:
Released immediately after testing...approximately 10:20.
This is be a very QUICK turnaround.
Chick Filet provided.
Run Show Matinee: 11:15
Friday, April 26:
Call Time: Principles: 4:30 Get Mics
Call Time: Ensemble: 5:00
Run Show: 7:00
Bring cookies to sell during intermission.
Saturday, April 27:
Call Time: Principles: 4:30 Get Mics
Call Time: Ensemble: 5:00
Run Show: 7:00
Cast/Crew Party following at Godfathers. $6 all you can/drink.
Sunday, April 28:
Call Time: Principles: 11:30 Get Mics
Call Time: Ensemble: 12:00
Run Show: 2:00
Strike immediately following show for all.
Bring pop/chips to share. Felix and Oscar’s catering.
Monday, April 29, 3:30-5:00:
Show wrap up. Write thank you’s.
